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Should you have any questions about me or my work, feel free to ask directly.

This also applies to business-related queries regarding new exciting projects you have in mind.

For detailed information about the licensing of my books, please refer to the Contact Details section.

You can also find me on Social Media. The links are at the bottom of the page

Have a wonderful day ❤

Contact Details

Book Enquiries

If you are interested to enquire my coloring books, please contact Bastei Luebbe

I am always open for a new book project or collaboration. Send me a message!


Interested in my Jigsaw Puzzles, please contact Arthesia/Heye

If you are looking for a new Puzzle Idea or collaboration, just contact me directly.


For general licensing of my books you can contact Bastei Luebbe Foreign Rights Department

For further assistance or questions, I will be happy to help.


Which coloring mediums do you use?

I have a broad palette of colored pencils. As a kid I always loved to collect many different colored pencils. The more I had the happier I was.

However not every colored pencil is up to the task. Hence I usually mix them by layering, to create some vibrant colorings of my work. You can find a list of brands that I often use on Instagram under Story Highlights: Tools.

How do you create your coloring books?

That's a good question, but also a little difficult to answer, while keeping it short.
Before I even start working on a new book, I invest a lot of time in my research. From concepts, storyboards and other sketches, I work my way then through the book to get a feeling of the journey that I am capturing. Of course a lot comes from my own experience not to forget.

On a technical level, I always start drawing with a pencil on paper first. Afterwards in ink and at the end I digitalize it.
The cover, the drafts and the illustrated book content, everything is carefully crafted by hand. You can tell that my work process and the steps I take, are coming from the traditional side of art. But this control helps me to always have an overview of my chosen topic, which allows me to create a consistent experience for the final product.

And I hope you can feel the love I put into my work, when examining or coloring my books!

Have you also worked on other books?

Yes! Besides my coloring book collection for adults, I have illustrated a couple books outside this genre, too. Notably the series of Moi, Edgar, chat acariâtre, which first was released in the French language.
A book writen as a diary by a grumpy black cat named Edgar. Here, he is documenting his life at home with his human family in a funny but familiar way.

To date, these books with my illustrations were published in 4 languages: French, German, Polish and Korean.

Do you have a YouTube Channel, where you show your colorings or do Tutorials?

Unfortunately no. I hear this one a lot, but sadly I do not have the time to also showcase step by step how I color.
The coloring community on the other hand provides you with great tutorials and guides! That is what I recommend to you, if you are looking for a quick start.

Can you give me some Tips of how I can color your work?

For some, my illustrations can feel a bit detailed at first glance, but do not overthink to much, when choosing your color palette.

Start from simple smaller parts or familar things and work your colors from section to section. The background can be added afterwards or optionally held blank.
My preferred style is even to let some areas extra uncolored. You will see a lot of my colorings not finished, because I personally like the contrasting look of color and black line drawings.
Most importantly, try to have fun and a relaxing time and you will find your own personal flow.

I gurantee that the result at the end will look great!

I have missed a special event that you have done in the past. Any chance of a repeat?

While every special illustration that I provide as a small surprise to the community is free to keep, I usually do not repeat them.
But this does not mean, that in the future I could make an exception. Just be for the lookout.
Or ask someone in the coloring community, maybe one will be happy to give you an old PDF of mine.